It is rather interesting that Mediocrity is rarely mentioned or talked about as if it were a hush-hush word not to be part of anything. Just a minor detail, you know. But it doesn’t belong here. It doesn’t really exist. Not in our state. Not in our country. Certainly not in our government. We are better than that. Or are we? What about our establishments of higher standards of learning colleges, academies, corporations large and small businesses acquired and now expired. What about our health care? Offering the best care to save lives and strive to have a quality of life, for all. Physicians save lives and help give a quality life and dignity in death. So needed and so trusted and respected. What happened to the pharmaceutical? What part do they play in the grand scheme of life? Are their new meds or drugs tried and true? Or is their main focus now on the revenue? Show or prove to us that is not true. These times were just a momentary lapse in judgment, influenced by big money but realized–too high a price. As the numbers grew, a new mentality did too. How did that happen? When did the mind set changes? And Why was it allowed to grow–to out of control?
Mediocrity seeped in and we became mediocre. I don’t like that. And to tell you the truth–no one does. Except those who profit and prosper off of mediocrity. That is what they do to me and you. Think about it, when given an inferior product. Or the education we aspired to help guide to enlightenment was no longer there. And it wasn’t fair. Why wasn’t it there? Who reaped the benefits of that one? It’s not just about the revenue lost or gained. But there is a cause and effect. Sometimes temporary. A lesson learned. But, sometimes it becomes a major part of your life, making your life more complicated than should be. More challenging until we find a way to break free and find strength and determination to overcome– address and correct. Finally excelling in life. When we are mentored and taught by the best, They want your best to come forth. For we become part of the successes in not only our own life, but the lives of others and generations to come. We have to realize we can no longer accept mediocrity for then we become and can only give back a mediocre product, information and lackluster existence. We are not to be a pawn to the stepping stone for the mercenaries’ grandiose overblown schemes bent on eroding and destroying our quality of life, even life itself.
When I hear of mediocrity I can’t help but cringe. When I learn of a mediocre product once more, I feel saddened for our future. Is this what we are to expect now? Are we resigned to accept mediocrity as a new way of doing, making or creating the latest and greatest product or inventions. Only to save cost but not lasting or necessary becoming a waste of space and waste of time. Now to be used as a landfill or another dumping ground. Even what we are taught or information we are fed each day becomes a drain and a strain and how does that affect our brain, our mind that is cluttered with too much rhetoric that eventually we accept. Finally succumb. We tried to tune it out. But the message is still in there, in the crevices waiting to beacon for attention. Must be important because it is costly to air those ads and marketing in all and any form necessary, Marketing and advertising is now the way for exposure and very lucrative too. As long as you have the means to pay. But is it accurate or valid? Or just another scheme to fill their dream of more, more money, more prestige, to have even more power and eventually control. Is that the goal?
When we allow and think that big money is our solution to everything. It is all relative in importance. Now we hear of not just hundreds of millions, but billions and trillions and more. Unimaginable. Incomprehensible. Mind boggling to say the least. Too much of anything only causes loss of control. How can we know when the numbers become so vast but still the need for more. Just to make sure. Meanwhile, we’ve become more anxious, fearful, and fretful too. What has happened to the checks and balances to guarantee products are working properly? Now the solution is not to find a solution, but to profit off of those problems. So, problems on top of more man-made problems. Creating a giant quagmire that no one wants to acknowledge, confess or face up to. Back to the drawing board of protection devising legal documents to make them exempt of any problems and bide their time. To rise and shine, unscathed. They plead the fifth to protect–themselves. But those in the path of all these reckless and frivolous ventures run for their lives, find a safe place to hide and try to console their pride, And, eventually gather their courage to address the debacle. That turned into such a disgrace. Is it possible for the too frail or too big ego to learn not to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Now is the time we have to be more conscientious and more aware of past mistakes. We have incredible new technology developed so quickly, one after another. And could do wonders, but too many times misused. Abuse of trust, greed gets in the way again. Before we know it we’ve created a monster, unstoppable and definitely unapproachable. Meanwhile, strewn about are shards of broken pieces of prized equipment. The air is filled with fumes and particles of dust and debris from the aftermath still fills the air. Abandoned and broken, left on the wayside useless now. Artillery of various kinds and so many we have to catch our breath. What have we done as we finally stop and look around? All that is left behind. Yet, wanting no reminders. No longer usable but a constant reminder of the price of the sacrifice in that time. We all make mistakes even when our intentions are initially good, but sometimes the process takes its toll. In our haste and exhausted state we forget to pray to help us find a better way. We have been given the gift of life. Our gifts are to be used for the good. For the good of all. We learn from each other. Offering our best, but we are only human.
We do get lost along the way. That is when we have to pray in any way, anywhere and anytime. We strive to do and give the best of ourselves for our children and society. Future generations can learn from us. What works and those mistakes we all make. We learn to be open and honest with ourselves and others. To be able to trust along the way we need transparency in actions and deeds. Genuine and sincere. Compassionate and loving. We are to take care not to use, abuse or harm in any way. Doing what is right, what is fair and just and honorable we can take pride in that. That is important. Without all the drama and trauma. It’s no longer about the ego or the revenue going out or coming in. We are all in this life together. None more important than the other or more worthy. We give our best to inspire and teach in the best way possible–how to avoid obstacles in life. Not create or complicate or make life more difficult for others but not ourselves. But will we be spared? We all suffer the hardships of others. We are not immune. Physically, mentally emotionally we all are affected. And we can’t escape what has been done in the past. It comes back to taunt us until we make those necessary changes in life for the good. If we don’t then we continue to be haunted by the past when we should have learned. We all play a part. We don’t want a mediocre life filled with neglect because we didn’t take valuable time for ourselves or others. Did we speak up or stay silent when witnessing an act of injustice, or a dishonest or inappropriate behavior. Problems grow when not addressed and understood. We can’t just stand in the background observing. We learn nothing if we do nothing. We certainly don’t want a life of mediocrity. We are to live, learn and teach. Reach for the stars, grow your gardens, plant those beautiful trees, water your lawns, take loving care of your family, home and community. Avoid excess in food and drink. Moderation is the key to longevity. Do what you love. Listen to your instincts. Problems are to be addressed immediately and understood. Why? Just being responsible grows into being capable. I could go on. Simple as doing what you love, being surrounded by positivity and abilities that surprise and inspire you. Bring out and give your best with gratitude.