So many changes and advancement in technology but not used at its best. Offering a myriad of new problems. Now put on hold, or stuck to reload. Or, needs to be recharged. Over and over again. What can I do? There are no guarantees or continuity. Too many distractions that carry over to the next attempt to complete and send. Is it too late? Is it accurate? Is this what or how I want to convey the importance–to finally get it right for understanding. That seems to be the problem everywhere. Is that part of the design or the plan? It’s just me. Not we. We don’t live in a bubble. Protected from reality of what is happening around us. We want and try to be and stay healthy in mind, body and spirit. not as easy as it appears or should be. Day and night. Night til day. Feels and too many times sounds like sensorys overload.Becomes our way of life. At Least for too many, therefore not always at our best. We cave in when we should have stood our ground, We finally accept when we don’t know all the facts, or see the picture clearly. Stressed and under duress for too long that we let others lead the way–“the way that they want.” But are they trustworthy, or responsible,or even capable. Have they sold their soul– long ago? There are many reasons we are led astray. There are also many reasons people take advantage in times of stress and duress. We are caught off guard by our weariness. So easy to be misled. manipulated into oblivion. Until we wake up and REALIZE we’ve all become part of the problems. We allow the power hungry to control and rule. Without questioning or stopping the extreme that leads to chaos and destruction. Power gone amuck. Out of control. In a time when we should have learned– the boundaries are tested even further. Slow to react. Are we?
We all have our concerns. Even the best and the brightest offer their opinions, viewpoints and own experiences. How can we feel and be more confident and assured we are going in the right direction in understanding. For, there is a cause and effect that always needs to be addressed. If a problem is discovered in the early stages it can be remedied. But it seemed the philosophy now was, as long as a profit was to be made–ignore, until the problem has to be disclosed. At least that would bide them time to get their affairs in order and they’ve made a profit. That concerned me when I learned that big financial institutions and corporations were taught never to admit a mistake. If we never admit our mistake or know what is wrong–we never learn and repeat over and over again. And will cause even more and bigger problems, Especially when profited from those mistakes. “But, how do we know when everyone makes mistakes?” and that is so true. That is when we have to teach, learn and practice ethics as a way of life. Be sure to question when in doubt. For complete understanding we need honesty and honor in transactions and communications and personal dialogue. Learning these principles throughout life becomes an ingrained and intrinsic part of life that is valued by everyone. Instead of profiting off of problems–profiting off of problems should never be given a second thought. Especially when there are dire consequences if we don’t continually or atleast make an effort to address.. Our problems keep growing and spreading into other areas of life. Here and there. Everywhere. At every turn we make and every vow we take to be honorable. Think about it. If everyone was sincere in word and deed, honest in their actions, scrupulous and always fair and square, we wouldn’t be having these man made problems.
In the last few years we have experienced tremendous life changing traumas. The covid pandemic and isolation for so long, the horrific and shocking George Floyd incident that has left a permanent scar and shocking reminder of the volatility of man and the misuse of position of power. That led to weeks and more of angry and frustrated protesters. And, rightfully so. But, could all this mayhem be avoided–if from the beginning there was respect and dignity displayed. Instead of insults and frightening beatings into submission. And, loss of consciousness and the loss of their conscience. What have we learned? As we all suffered through the shock and losses, the profiteers were rolling up their sleeves to take advantage once more. It would be more advantageous to make their move before the fear and shock wears off. We can raise the prices higher, rent too, And we should take into consideration the high cost of restoration. This is the time to make our move for the investors and shareholders. While there is no talk of responsibility or liability. Can’t we all see what is happening here? We’ve become reckless and careless, with no thought of what is right or what is wrong?
We need to have a fair playing field, constructive communication with no hidden agendas and if there is, there should be sound dialogue for understanding our purpose of all parties involved. The emphasis should be on positive thoughts and ideas that inspire unity and the wellbeing of all. Working together, Blending of ideas and experiences that shaped us and eventually changed us. Was it for the good of all? Or what was spoken was only half truths that were allowed to be heard to further their cause. Life has become a contest. Made to conquer, So divided for so long, we have for gotten the good parts and hold on to the worst–to make it all happen. There is no blending or merging of ideas, unless it is an acquisition and money to be made. And then it is only for a select few of choice. For it’s the profit and the power it will bring that impresses too many. It’s the size or amounts of the revenue that has become the impetus in all transactions. Without considering what is at stake or the risks they will take even before the break and becomes too late. The deal is sealed. The signature on the line. Signed, sealed and delivered. That’s all it takes.
Even when the stakes are too high. For those who want power and riches at all costs. Their rules filled with loopholes were made for them. They have the means but without a care or heart. At an imperative and crucial time when the decisions made and will make– demonstrate the cause and effect on the populous and populist everywhere near and far. Everywhere. We can no longer stand to be so reckless and careless when it comes to the security of families everywhere, in every nation. Universal. That means being vigilant with our planet, the air we breathe, the waters we drink use everyday to bathe and launder. Do we knowingly pollute, thoughtlessly or accidently. Too much– becoming toxic. The air we breathe, the food we eat, what we put in our bodies. Is it wholesome and pure or filled with man-made toxins and unhealthy fillers that become addictive. Do we cut corners to seal the deal to make it work? Knowing eventually it will crash and fall or will not work at all. Removing the vegetation from the grounds or waysides. The brushes and trees, let them be. Let’s talk about how we can preserve the rest of these. Let’s do that together. We can be the best part of progress.
We all need a home. A safe place and welcoming place. We tear down and rebuild without a thought or even know why– so much, so many and for what purpose? When some have too many homes–a status thing. For a price. we build on flood plains, or on the edge of a cliff. The views are magnificent. The rains, the winds, the erosion of time– all will come into play. Mother nature’s way or man-made. Will it be temporary or lasting? The main thing is that we all must work together. We teach valuable life lessons. The skills we have learned through life we pass on to our children and those who have an interest and want to learn–how to read, learn, master and teach. We want to be independent, capable and share our gifts and talents. We keep learning in all areas we can. We can do what we didn’t think we knew. We don’t want to be a problem. Or the problem. We are all better than that. We just have to roll up our sleeves and pitch in when needed. We can restore the broken and the damaged and learn from our mistakes. If something is broken–fix it. If someone is hurting or in need, give them comfort and shelter from the storm. We can rescue and make possible a better life–for all. May our Higher Power lead us in those difficult times. Those who are sick and weary. Strength and courage to those in Ukraine and those oppressed in Russia and those throughout the world. Love and peace be in your heart and the will to do what is right and loving to those in need of a home and comfort. Please, let’s not repeat the mistakes of the past. Find forgiveness but speak up and out for those who have been wronged. And, let’s step up to our plate of responsibility and help repair and restore once more. Our neighbors and friends in Florida. Hurricane Ina was not just a bad dream. Now is the time to unite and help when and where we can. We can do that.