Our experience in life do shape us. Teaches us. Sometimes, drives are intentions, our search to find our worth, our direction and our goals, our trust and our attitude about life. Do we persevere or succumb in our weakness? Are we tenacious in our endeavors or do we give up too soon.
Life is precious. Every life. A new life born in every season and always for a reason. We don’t always know it. We grow into it. We are aware from the time of conception sheltered, nourished and protected within the mother’s womb. The birthing process is not an easy one, for mother or child. Requires a certain flexibility and agility, perseverance, stamina and an inner strength that waxes and wanes throughout life. The awakening of the senses is a wondrous and enthralling experience for a newborn as he watches his little hands and feet in delight. Gaining more mobility each day. As new parents are mesmerized by the wonder of it all. Senses are heightened. Rest is needed for focus and maintaining strength and clarity. Now is the time, we work together sharing the responsibilities. A most welcoming bonding experience and a better understanding. For life is changing and rearranging. No longer just about me. Now about us. Our family. A wonderful and unique commitment and responsibility that you wouldn’t have any other way. Starting the cycle of life and embracing new skills with assurance, For we want to do it right. The importance of staying healthy, be there, beware of the surroundings. Your living space. Is it safe for a child? Is it safe for you? No one knows your child as well as you. Create a vibrant and inviting place or space where one can explore while his or her curiosity grows. Provide or present an atmosphere gently introducing a setting that awakens their inspiration. And yours too. For in our busy lives the subtle things in life can become elusive. Even though, so necessary. When in actuality– is the best and right time for teaching and learning for children and parents. Our children are a gift not only to ourselves, but to the world that we are introduced to and grow into.
This is also the time we are given to introduce the fundamental and finer qualities of our being. We don’t want to miss the important nuances that broaden our knowledge by enriching our reason and purpose. It’s not always intentional but strikes a chord within us. Surprising us. It feels right. And an important part of living. It can begin in the home and extend beyond. We never stop learning and that is amazing and just another important part or step to growth. And that is so exciting, Also why’ we always want to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit. We want to teach and reach all that is possible. Adding new skills, thoughts and ideas. To be well rounded and well grounded. Explore possibilities wisely and with discernment and understanding for a successful venture. Don’t be afraid to question and be sure to encourage questions. Strength of—character, high standards, sound principles , knowing the simple virtues. Recognize your forte, your strengths, strong suits and attributes–bring all these to the table of life We all have qualities not yet tapped. Not yet recognized by ourselves or others. So when we come out of our shell–we can excel. When we broaden our scope, we gain a better and clearer perspective. Giving us hope in finding solutions, even in the seemingly impossible. Just another hurdle or challenge or a test of our will or determination. There will be critical times in life when there is a need to act, address and be tenacious, stand your ground and sound the alarm. When life is at stake, or the quality of life is compromised–address immediately. Honesty and honor must always prevail.
We are not perfect. This is far from a perfect life, when we can do better. I read my writings to a trusted friend to hear her thoughts, glean the insights from the words she heard and the experiences in her own life. And she knew of my own trials and errors. The challenges that followed me throughout life. In many cases never understanding why. Or why it was allowed. The silence is deafening. Left in the dark. Not knowing and maybe never will. I have faced obstacles that I knew I had to overcome and conquer– myself. The only way to accomplish my goals, try and fulfill my dreams is to live my life. I knew I had to be the best of myself. Which meant I had to keep learning, understanding my purpose. When my life took so many turns, And, I was not prepared. so unexpected. Always at a disadvantage. As so many of us are. But should not be, I knew I had to be and stay “always” healthy in mind, body, and spirit. My experiences grew. One day would become a quest, Now has become my mission. After I read a few paragraphs, she told me, Patti, you write about what you want in life–your wishes, What you want in life not only for yourself but for others also. In today’s world there is the need to have respect for life. Value your life as well as others. Take care and be fair in contact and contracts. Be the champion of knowledge. Encourage and teach others lifelong skills that will enhance their lives as well as others. Allow to grow and not control. Stop and listen, observe and question. work together when united in purpose.
I often wonder about the leaders of this world. In these times. I wonder too, about all the new technology and advancements that are supposed to improve lives, our environment. the air we breathe, the water and waters from afar. Are we depleting or will we run over flooding–as we try and assert our will. Our beautiful forests shelters the exotic fauna amidst the myriad growth of vegetation growing within, around and about, the variety of grasses and soft beds of moss and wispy ferns. Small berries, plump berries, a variety of shades of red, and yellow of orange. And deep blues too. All nestled together. All so beautiful, needed and necessary. Did you know trees and nature have a way of communication. The trees and nature shield and protect each other. Not only each other, but the tiniest of insects, their larvae and nests, seedlings too. Those trees and plants are smart and wise for they take care of each other and everyone. Some trees live to be hundreds of years old. Have you ever heard of the Methuselah tree? He’s over 4,850 years old. They have even taken care of us. Human beings. We can learn from the trees and each other. Their root system reaches out, the rustling of the leaves communicate with fauna and other forms of nature to secure those around. The bark, and other parts of the trees and the amazing plants, from the roots. to the stems provide medicinal properties for rashes, burn healing cuts and bruises. And so much more. The study of trees and nature, might as well study botany while you’re at it. It’s so fascinating, you don’t want to stop at one. You will want to plant your own tree. In fact, grow your own forest if you have the property. When I had my little cottage house, I planted an angel tree. To keep good energy and watch over all. Before I close, I will tell you, every forest has a mother tree. Their roots can extend for miles. Keep reading, Keep learning. Take a wonderful walk in your favorite woods with family or friends. Or just to regroup.
With gratitude,
Patti Z.