Throughout the years, all the decades we have evolved, experienced the worst and the best but what did we learn? We tried to erase the horrid past, what we all have experienced that still haunts us and still troubles us today. Even though we don’t want to think about it or talk about it or accept the facts we cannot avoid or have hidden from the truth. For, doing or saying nothing is a form of acceptance. Plus, there was no understanding at that time. The story continues and so do the problems, and then magnified and seemingly out of control. Too weary, embarrassed not wanting to be humiliated by their neglect or thoughtlessness. Weren’t we or they better than that. Weren’t we or they deserving and now entitled. Why weren’t those actions stopped! Prevented! When was the line crossed to no return? No going back now! The truth too many times is not pretty. Something we don’t want to talk about or remember. Never understanding the cause, the beginning or our real purpose…. But what about the wonderful and glorious times?
Were they or were we too content basking in the lap luxury? Our pride from all our achievements filled to the brim. We’ve earned our place in the sun. Now deserving. Don’t bother me now. What happened is now in the past. Look what we’ve accomplished. Did we forget in the process to all those successes–we still had lessons to learn. To teach others our skills we have learned throughout those years. To share the knowledge we have gleaned through our successes and our failures. The cause and why and who else was involved in the error that turned into the monumental fiasco. Yes, we all have to know when problems appear in order not to repeat the same error or mistake. Those errors in judgment or in our own hindsight, cannot be brought to the table recklessly, carelessly but with deep thought and consideration. When going through changing times there is a changing of the guards along with a changing system. We want everyone, not just a select few, but everyone everywhere to thrive and strive to be the best of oneself. For when brought to the table of life that inspires the best in oneself–the possibilities are endless. We grow together offering the best. Acknowledging and appreciating. We can prosper when we all work together for the good of all. Turn the table systematically. How do we do that? With the help of our Higher Power. Our Heavenly Father.
On the same page, have the same high standard, values and principles that will unite instead of divide and compromise. Something is amiss when we continually do nothing when the obvious solutions are right in front of us. Or worse when we allow dysfunction and corruptive practices to continue, when we see and experience the carnage that grows and consumes our thoughts and many times are actions. People in positions of power need to have heart. And show and prove their care with concern for the welfare of all. Provide the foundations that are needed to teach and learn the skills needed to build and construct and inspire to go further in their learning to have a beautiful and fulfilling future for families and all. Provide the bread of life. Their daily bread for life. Be the inspiration that motivates others to greatness. Their own unique qualities will grow and will influence others for the good. Bringing understanding, awareness and enlightenment. Knowing our importance, our reason and purpose. Bring the virtues and the higher qualities back to life. Integrity, honor and being forthright and trust worthy. Start the day, your meetings with grace and gratitude and guidance to be the best of yourself and others. It’s not always easy when life is filled with stress in every form. Surround yourself with good people and trusted peers. Encouragement when needed. Transparency alway, Everyone needs to know for understanding and when to be prepared for any change. So, be sure to question when in doubt or uncertain. Remember, we learn from each other, so it is enlightening not only in information but in character also. I could go on, for I want everyone to be and bring the best of themself to the table of life. If there is a problem or a growing problem–nip it in the bud before it grows out of control. There needs to be accountability along with the responsibilities. Not rewards or allowances–which only confuses instead of learning. We have been given the gift of life. Now we have to give back what we have taken. For we are to love and care for each other, our environment too for future generations to know their history. Their part.
With gratitude,
Patti Zona