What does it mean when we talk about embracing responsibility? According to Merriam Webster, responsibility is something that you should do because it is morally right, and legally required. Being known as a responsible person is not only a compliment for one’s self but also an embodiment of an ethical principle that guides us to grow into becoming a person bearing a noted honorable quality of respect, honesty, and integrity, which, my book The Value of a Homemaker has some insights about. Therefore, dependable and forthcoming. Their reason and purpose are known without any hidden agendas that would only mask and distract. And, they know that. They also know the importance of staying healthy in mind, body, and spirit to be and lead the best life possible. But, was this an innate quality from birth, or developed through the trials and errors experienced in life? Yet, she or he became brave enough, smart enough, and determined enough to learn from the mistakes of the past and finally learn the art and graces of responsibility.
You know, some people feel a little uncomfortable when hearing or learning the responsibilities involved in work or play or just every day. And, it is every day and in every way from childhood to the middle years to the golden years. You don’t even have to say the word “responsible.” They step back. There is a look of panic. Or they get a little squeamish or squirmish. Isn’t that a little interesting? That little tell, tell sign. There will always be all kinds of responsibilities throughout our lives. I know I’ve certainly had my share. But, I prefer or learned to think of these responsibilities as possibilities, not obstacles but as challenges for the best outcome. For that, I know we have to be and stay as healthy in all ways as possible. I want to learn “something” from these experiences. What to watch for or avoid but always to address and correct. We should not ever underestimate the importance of responsibility. What happens when we become irresponsible? How are we affected when the table is turned and we no longer know right from wrong. We see that the rewards are great for those who take, or break and blatantly profit from those mistakes. We know it. We’ve heard it. We’ve suffered through the aftermath. We waited too long to address the important issues or right the wrongs of the world. Pretending all is copacetic. We let the numbers grow to astronomical and mind-boggling extremes. Too overwhelmed and exhausted to even try to understand when we became so careless, reckless, and irresponsible. Always about the numbers, the profit. The damages have been done through neglect and greed that made it all acceptable when profitable. I would say that is extremely irresponsible for all parties involved.
They say it will take thirty years to correct the huge economic disparity. If at all. They can, but this is the time for accountability and responsibility to connect and reevaluate past, present, and future expectations. It took thirty years for this economic discovery when thirty years ago this debacle began. Without a thought or care. Big money ruled and took over. Creating their designer rules and laws and bailout for themselves. And, they still do. Which is unbelievable in these times of information–or is it, misinformation. Or have we given up? We can’t do that. We just have to be more responsible ourselves. But seriously, we have to look at what we accept. When we see and experience the cause and effect of our crumbling world, the disregard or apathy of those we expect better, but they are removed and untouched. When climate change is so obvious, yet we are not to disturb the comfort of the fortunate.
We do what we are told. Or should we? We become what we are taught, learned, or experienced. But, there is also a time when we figure it out. Missing something. We begin to question the disparity, the inequity, the ambiguity, the carelessness, and the ruthlessness of actions. Where’s the heart of the matter that inspires and brings together in enlightenment, encouragement, and recognition to make the necessary changes to save our world and each other? Where does the Responsibility begin? Where do we learn this incredible trait? Or have we forgotten? Was it because there was a trade-off in this life? More for less if the price is right and the profit gained. But, what about the cause and effect? What has been gained and what and who will be harmed in the sacrifices of these daring ventures–that has been pursued without a thought or care. For too long, the designer rules applied to the entitled without consequences. They now can make or break without a thought or care. But is it fair? What have we given up for we haven’t questioned or stepped up to our plate of responsibility?
We have been given this gift of life. We all can grow in the knowledge that will be shaped through our experience. Let’s make those experiences worthwhile. Not just for ourselves but for everyone that we make responsible resolutions for the best outcome for all.
Unfortunately through the years, the lack of checks and balances and unaccountability became a breeding ground for an erosion of the conscience even more apparent. It’s not about greed or excess any longer–that is just part of the root that we’ve accepted but is now out of control. We don’t know how to address these problems that have grown so deep, spread so far and wide, and have stayed hidden by so many involved. Who wants to face the music? Or, I should say racket or mayhem. Or is it a jungle out there? Only to survive. Outwit. Try to forget. But there are always reminders of a life better than this. That comes with responsibility and accountability. Determination to not repeat the same mistakes. Courage to admit the mistakes and help unravel the mess. We can learn and appreciate what once was and what is before us. Just being responsible in thoughts, words and actions do wonders for everyone. There are no exceptions when knowing accountability and responsibility go hand in hand. United in purpose, honesty, and honorably. Then we are all on the same page of Responsibility.
When we think about it, responsibility starts and begins with life. To stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Yet, we let outside influences determine or drive, motivate or compel even inspire us to act, do or be. We are only human. We can only take so much before we give out or give in or cave in. We have limitations that are unique in our abilities and aspirations. To know your own body and its limitations or impediments is critical to staying healthy to do and offer your best. Be aware and take care.
We have our mind, amazing, extraordinary, seemingly limitless in what we take in, deciphering information giving us the capability to grow in knowledge, motivation, and our abilities to do so. What an amazing gift we have been given. From birth throughout life. We keep healthy. We feed our minds. Not with mindlessness, corrosive thoughts, or imagery. We have choices that will build but also intrusive thoughts that deplete us or lead us astray to where we never wanted or intended. In today’s world, we are inundated with excess information, from advertisements to advertising. Probably on overload. We don’t want to be there or go there too often. I always say moderation is the key to staying healthy. We don’t want to go to the land of extremes in what we drink or eat, or the little but powerful pills or drugs we sometimes take. Know your body and keep your mind. Mindfulness. Remember common sense also goes with Responsibility.
Our spirit is the essence of ourselves. And it shows in what we do and how we do. The heart of the matter coming through–shows in what we accomplish and how things are done at last. You can feel and see the difference when you are filled with spirit for the good and lasting. For it is. There is your reason and purpose that is to be fulfilled. We are given these gifts in loving thanks and gratitude to heal and instill in harmony our Heavenly Father’s plan for all. For God so loved this world, this earth from beginning to our end and lingers still. Take precious care, for God has given us a tremendous responsibility to be shared.