Bohemian Mome

Before Bohemian Mome` , I had written two other books. I wanted to save the world or at least the neighborhood with information learned and experiences shared for the boundaries were obscured. We live in a time of too many man-made problems ignored, left to grow. Would you believe to out of control? Well, it happened. There were no checks and balances. People were overworked and underpaid. And those who knew the ropes, played the game and were willing and able to take risks and be rewarded for their daring exploits. For their stakes were too high. And the time was right. And the designer rules set in place just for them.  Since I had written about acts of injustice, inflation that grew, along with obvious inequality for much too long. For lessons were not learned. Complacency set-in along with exhaustion. We can only do so much before we succumb to apathy, information overload–wanting to believe someone will fix this, make it right, make it nice for everyone. But, are we capable? Have we forgotten our compassion? Wake up America. Lets not repeat past mistakes. Let’s learn from our sisters and brothers

I didn’t want to, but I felt another responsibility to write one more book about the dysfunctions and corruption in unexpected places. I thought we were smarter than this, wiser than that. And, I wondered if we have really learned those lessons from those mistakes way too many times. As if we were invincible, even entitled but really just incapable. Using dollars and cents but where was the common sense to dictate the outcome of our country, our decision making and now the outcome of our election. Is that possible? Is that still what impresses– even the masses. I don’t think so. I think we are slowly even painfully evolving, finally waking up to understanding the importance of this life is in discovering our real reason and purpose and it is greater and more rewarding than all the money in this world. After writing two other books, and learning the whole nine yards– once again I was compelled to write. In a flurry of emotions and feelings poured out of me and into the makings of Bohemian Mome`. 
There must be another way to inspire the desire for knowledge for then comes knowing and understanding to regain our trust and need for integrity, honesty through our actions and transactions.To have a voice that is heard and understood above the clamoring of more, the need for more but will never be enough. We should always question how those funds were gained. Was it honorable and fair? Or was there a hidden agenda, unspoken, misleading to protect the concealed documents carefully crafted for their own purpose. But at the loss for others. Now at the mercy of the unexpected. Once again, the quality of life has been eroded.

Bohemian Mome

Many times the pain is worse, just before the healing begins. During the writing of Bohemian Mome` I felt a new low was brewing. For problems still were not addressed. But dismissed, ignored to be forgotten. Those who profited, still plunging ahead without a care. Meanwhile the carelessness and recklessness became more blatant. Was it status that so impressed or empowered by the profits from their questionable transactions never addressed? There were close calls, but managed to escape each time. Whatever happened to respect for life? The value of life from each individual never recognized  until too late. How and why were we taught to hate in these times? When the problems have been obvious but unspoken. Is there another hidden agenda here?
 We can’t afford to ignore any longer. There is responsibility in leadership. We are to take care of, not destroy or take life. When we do the right and honorable thing, the solutions are easy. There is nothing to hide or cover up when there is honesty and transparency. Understand and understood. Life is not about acquiring more, but valuing each other, through respect, recognition and encouragement. What we do, may it always be for the good of all. Not just for a select few.