How Do We Forgive, When Impossible To Forget?

I wonder if maybe we forgive too early, too many times. And, sometimes to the point when it’s too serious to ignore any longer.By ignoring or not addressing and there is no accountability, a minor problem will become a major issue and a way of life and the way we do business.  Is it honorable? Do we or can we or should we even trust? We have been given our senses and our intellect as a guide. But life evolves and we no longer teach or were taught the higher principles. Our beliefs as a child have been distorted by our experiences, seen, heard or felt. Sensory overload combined with a big disconnect adds to the doubt and confusion. Information overload becomes meaningless, just another distraction that clouds our thoughts and our thinking. Physically we are pushed to the max. To get it done. Now! To go a little further, faster too. Changing the clocks back or forward–whatever the season or the reason. Will create a cause and effect and not the one that is needed or for the best or what we expect.  What is the real purpose anyway?   

We are taught to forgive.We are meant to be able to forgive. Our family, our friends, our coworkers and our boss. What about our leaders? Or the people who want to lead. Or is it to control, to gain more or even more power to rise to the top without stop or thought. Are they even capable, responsible or careless and reckless in their process? Are we being misled by all the rhetoric and marketing that is used to profit and guarantee the outcome, when the reality if known would be too bleak to repeat. This writing is to be about forgiveness. But, it has to be even broader and more comprehensive. For to forgive is healing and another step to what we have learned and possibly accept. If we only knew all the facts involved which would affect– the outcome. If all the cards were laid out on the table–for all to see. And understand and know what to expect. We all would make better decisions. Will we sacrifice or  be sacrificed? Either way is a downward spiral to regret. We are living in a very difficult period of time. Yet, instead of consideration and care, we have become more daring and careless too. Still testing the waters–a little rough and choppy. So much Colder than we thought. How far can we go before treading on secure grounds. We have become a little uncertain, a little unsure of what and where we are to embark. Moving forward, regardless. Lives are at stake, Cannot replace. Homes and security are no longer secure. No longer there. No longer here. A nomad going nowhere. No place to be. So restless is he/she. There is no solace to be found. In the broken grounds that used to be. A Paradise lost, a Paradise regained. Reclaimed. Restored once more. Is there a way to repay the damages done. To thee. To Me. In actuality–to we. “I’m sorry. So sorry. Please forgive me. Forgive us. Let’s remember We. In unity. We can achieve what we were meant to be, Together…
How can we forgive when we can’t forget? We can start with honesty, Sincerity in our thoughts, words and actions. We pray. We pray a lot. Talk to our Heavenly Father throughout the day. He would like that. We ask for strength in our weakness. We ask for guidance when we are uncertain where to go or when to turn. Stay healthy in mind, body and spirit. When tired and weary, take time to rest and refresh.. Be thankful and have gratitude for all your blessings. For you are Blessed just by knowing there is more to life than just Me .Surround yourself with good people in work and play–everyday; Everywhere. Take precious care of you and those in your life, those who wish to be in your life. For you inspire and bring out the best in those who learned to know and understand you. You are a mentor and a friend. You take care and you teach in order to prepare and be capable in this life. Appreciate your gifts and the gifts of others. Take care of the environment–our earth, the air we breathe, the water we drink keep it pure, And, use the water and waterways wisely. Everything we need to live and thrive is here on this earth, Our Father in Heaven watches over us. He wants to teach us, guide us to a better way of living. He knows what’s in our hearts, he knows our fears and sees our tears. Our beautiful forests, gardens, lakes, rivers, oceans to the magnificent mountains, glaciers which are waning–disappearing because of Global Warming. We need to be aware and take care. Of the fish and fowl, the birds, songbirds to the birds of prey. One day, maybe they will be vegetarian. Or, maybe they already are. Stop experimenting with toxins that pollute our earth, water, the air we breathe, our bodies and the soil. Taking precious care of God’s gifts to us is a gift of love to all. When we forgive, we can finally heal our hearts with new found reason and purpose, We are all God’s children. We are to be united. Not divided.