We have become emotional prisoners through avoidance. neglect, carelessness, indifference that is not allowed to be addressed. Omission thoughtlessness, oversight, becoming lost in the shuffle and scuffle of life but still and determined not to be distracted or lose focus or our own piece of mind. Unfortunately, when we ignore or dismiss the problem, That problem or issue doesn’t go away or magically or wishfully disappear, but grows out of control. Becoming larger than we ever would have thought. But our ego takes hold. Do we let go? Where do we turn? We become uncertain. We stumble and fall along the way. A little shaken. A little weary. A little bruised and somewhat battered. We stop and look around. unrecognizable. Not what we expected. Not what we wanted. For now, there seems no way out. Anymore. Have we become so impervious to what is happening around us and actually to us? That we purposely block out what we hear, see or feel? Have that temporary fix. Wake up or return and that problem is still there. Innocently looking at us for a reaction of some kind. But it is no longer there.
Numb from excess from every direction. For too long. Too many choices with no direction. No real guidance or follow through. Left on your own to sink or swim. Trial by error. Learn from your mistakes. But, remember never to admit your mistakes. Life becomes a game to win or lose for many. A battle to be won or lost and at tremendous cost and at everyone’s loss. There are no winners when the sacrifices made are never enough. It’s a big complicated world we live in. A world made more complicated than it should be. Rules made. Rules to protect a select few to secure their status and protect their wealth and keep their entitlements, even when no longer deserving. New rules and regulations become deregulations to push their hidden agendas through. Regardless if flawed and reeks of dominance leading to abject tyranny. When our core values are absent in our interactions and transactions we can never be free. Not truly free even if and when we are removed from it all. We are still affected. For the future of our children and those throughout society across the world. We continue to live and grow in our experiences. We learn. We master. We Teach. At least, we try to. In our hearts is our desire. We all make mistakes. For we are all imperfect human beings. When we accept and continue to allow then we also become a big part of the problem. We become the spectator or audience or worse a voyeur. We know what is wrong and when we see, hear or know and how it affects us. Is it disturbing? Is it troubling in some way? Then we have to question and not make it a pattern or habit that might be too hard to break. We are being tested everyday. We have been given all our senses to help us through life…So we continue or shall we continue? Let’s make it for the good of all.
What has happened to us? And what will happen to us, if we never address. Our questions are never heard, therefore never answered. Were they lost in the shuffle of too much and too many? Or has now their own agendas taken priority even though unknown, not approved. So unexpected. A complete surprise. and sometimes a shock. Caught off guard and not prepared for this new revelation that is too important just to be ignored. But when the numbers become too great– there will be mistakes. Mistakes that will compromise what is most important and necessary to maintain a solid relationship and foundation in life. If power becomes too great, without core values all will be lost, our higher standards and principles forgotten. Trust becomes ambiguous, confusing when those secure in their mighty and lofty positions of power can be bought and not with just money,
We have short memories. Most of the time out of necessity and there are times out of sheer survival. And then of course there are things we can’t forget. As much as we want to, those experiences, memories keep popping up. Trying to teach us something that haunts us or taunts us and won’t let go. What have we learned or how will we ever learn when we try to erase, eradicate those pivotal and life changing moments in time. Layers and layers of experiences that are meant to teach. Instead it becomes out of reach Not to be spoken. Becoming a mystery. A code of Silence that should be known, but kept in the dark, hidden. When those memories should be released for understanding. But people like a good mystery, a beautiful or intriguing puzzle, piece my piece placating, testing, developing even exercising our skills. A simple game of checkers, or challenge to a serious game of chess. Win or lose still a much needed distraction. We build throughout life We are taught right from wrong, what is proper, correct and accepted and knowing the difference improper, immoral or unethical. We grow up knowing these important values, becoming traits we innately live by. Or try to. We interact in work and play. It’s who we are, or strive to become. Until life changes around us creating tremendous challenges. And, are we ready for these important steps.
Our experiences in life shape who we are. How we are. Who we become. Were we encouraged in our endeavors or discouraged for practicality’s sake? Did we want the spotlight or were we denied our right. Did we feel pressure to acquiesce to others ideas or ideals that will lead us to another path. Anything is possible, when we are capable. Guided in the right direction for the right reason and purpose. Oh, what happens when led astray? Will there be someone to step in and save the day, pave the way. Intervene. Circumvent the obstacles, Redirect and inspect when questionable actions or behavior become evident or become possible. In these last few years, the problems in this country grew to out of control. But, not just our own country, but everywhere. Yet, our focus didn’t change in the corporate sector. Business as usual. Disregarding the seriousness of the plight that still surrounds us. We carry on, with blinders on. Have we all become the Great Pretenders. When we all could do and accept better than this. It is now 2023…We did and still do have opportunities to circumvent dire situations, There are always telltale signs of things to come. But, surprisingly what is alarming never really questioned, Out of sight. Out of mind. No longer our problem. Meanwhile, all the adversity lies in wait, Gathering their forces to make their next calculated move. And what do we do,. When do we wake up from the stupor that immobilizes the best and brightest. Isn’t it time we remove ourselves from our comfort zone of apathy–take a good look this time. Really take time to listen to the needless suffering of others through no fault of their own. But, surrounded by relentless opportunists for the timing was right for them. Dysfunction and corruption strikes again in 2023. Why don’t we learn. Why do the mercenaries still prevail in these times. Andy, I will close for now. Let’s talk after you’ve read this. Minnesota Nice. running out of space…
My life has become so serious now. Each new year brings such new challenges that also changes with the weather. Which should not be such a surprise–considering mother nature’s way of preparing everyone for changes ahead. In that respect, we could learn from the universe. How even the earth, the celestial and galaxy work together. Knowing the needs of each. Innate. Naturally. Not forced. Just knowing. Teamwork is important for survival. Respect and consideration. Knowing what was and is needed for a quality of life. Appreciation too, For all the wonders of it all. All that we can do and others too plus equally well. And, even more. And we are so excited and inspired. We learn another way. We build trust and learn from others, Using the proper tools. knowledge and guidance. We all have a reason and purpose. None more important or necessary than the other. We want to bring out our best and help bring out the best in others. Why can’t we do that?. We have been given the gift of life. A gift we are to cherish forever. In appreciation, we learn and are taught to take care of ourselves. To be and stay healthy in mind, body and spirit. We need our common sense and awareness of what is happening around us.. How we will be influenced and affected. When there is a problem we attend, mend, restore, find a proper solution or solutions that work for everyone. Be alert to what is happening around us. Have a check and balance periodically. Is everyone still on the same page or starting to stray off track. A need to evaluate or reevaluate. Maybe a little off course. Maybe a reprieve or some vitamin D and C will work. Take a small break to rejuvenate. When God made this earth, He made sure everything was provided for what we would need throughout life. We should be filled with gratitude. Instead of insincere platitudes. It’s now 2023.
We have been given plenty of opportunities but also plenty of distractions, while the distance keeps growing, creating an even larger disconnect. Can’t say the advancements of all the new technology would become an improvement or helpful. For now, information overload, and many times not the right information. Now unreachable. Unteachable. Constantly changing and rearranging and recharging too. Seeing all that we could do now created a flurry of activity in the world of technology. In how we do now. compared to what has been done. We are not perfect by all means. Yet, we don’t want to think too long or become too philosophical. That is where the human world and robotic world cannot be intertwined. completely. While those around him, his peers say and do nothing. Through this time of rewards too many, too much and the big disconnect our supposed leaders became rogue. Went their own way, on the their own terms. impervious of the dramatic change within them and those around them. We have to change the way we elect our officials. Money is not the gauge to their worth or capability. Their history and background checks will tell their story. We can no longer be reckless or careless. Our future is at stake when we no longer care to acknowledge what is happening around us. It’s time we learn from mistakes of the past. Not repeat the errors that erode our conscience and quality of life.