This is the season to be Jolly. Or is it Folly? Christmas is what we make it. Let’s make it loving, gentle, and filled with heartfelt meaning. For it Is the crest of all the season’s holiday for a child is born, and our crowning glory, Ne Plus Ultra* a most cherished of the Holy Days. Giving us a gift of understanding of the real meaning of Christmas bestowing a foundation of life– instilling wisdom and mastering our reason and purpose. The gift of life. A gift of learning new lessons and skills. We become a teacher of life. For life is not just about me or thee but about all of us– working together we learn to respect and admire, for then we can learn these gifts, develop these traits and know these truths that are presented before us. We know and grow in trust in each other. The gift of knowledge is to be used wisely. Just knowing or understanding the basic fundamental rules and protocols–starts in the beginning. A mother lovingly teaches and cares for her child. We teach our children. The father provides and protects the family. We all have a role that is equally important and needed. Not confusing– even to a small child. It is a fleeting time in life that needs to be provided for the best care, development and outcome. Working together to provide guidance throughout existence– even in changing times.
Of course, we have changed through the course of time. Our philosophy in life is no longer understood. We hear and listen to the rhetoric that is common and constant, taking over and intruding discreetly but openly manipulating, all to their own advantage. Used only to replace good sound judgment and decisions–for their want of complete control. Using their positions, connections which have been allowed to grow along with their unlimited funds How can anyone be at their best when oppressed and still suppressed ? Our gifts should be used wisely to inspire for the good of all. Through the many years, what have we learned– through all the wars, the take-overs, the excess that grows and is not questioned. The blood sweat and tears and lives lost or shed. The mass destruction amidst all the constant constructions. For there is never enough, even if not good enough or thoughtly planned or mapped out. It will be done regardless. Decisions made either recklessly or carelessly. Let time tell. That will give time to profit. For problems have become profitable. How could this be? When, it is now almost 2023. Is this not the time of genuine love? Through the tumultuous year or years shouldn’t we have learned from all our horrendous mistakes. Does that disgraceful adage, “Never admit a mistake” still have such credence? I say enough! It’s time we learned from our mistakes. Not ignore or repeat. In this season for these reasons. We must remember what is happening around us, misplaced values—erodes, broken promises—disappoints, demands too great that depletes the mind, body and soul–downward spiral to regrets, loss of intrinsic values–forgotten, misplaced, replaced–another downward spiral, erosion of conscience, disconnect–no longer, not trustworthy or worthy. We all have been through so much. Seen and felt the results of apathy, indifference. We all have seen and felt the results of carelessness and the recklessness that follows. In every area. When there is an assumption of peace and silence. All are copacetic. Why don’t we clear the slate, fix the mistakes, take care of all the unfinished business and right the wrongs in this life. Clean up our act, We can do better than that. We can no longer accept acts or actions of impropriety– especially to profit. We live in an imperfect world, And in this time, the mistakes are magnified. Glaringly so.
We are to learn, appreciate, value and take care of our gifts in this life– that are given to us. Why isn’t Christmas everyday? In these times– an impossible unreachable desire. Right now that seems an imposing question. For are we deserving? We want to be. In that respect, we have to live and be the best of ourselves. And take loving care of all. Love, Share. Gratitude.
As a small child, upon hearing of the birth of the baby, ” When an Angel of Light appeared to Mary and told her of her miraculous birth. Jesus would be born in a manager, no crib for a bed for all the rooms were filled. His young mother, Mary from the time of conception always knew the significance of this very special moment ‘in that time”. Mary the most blessed of women, her husband Joseph. a man of character, strong faith and solid trust Would travel “way back then” from Nazareth in Galilee to the little town of Bethlehem. Traveling to this safe harbor would not be easy. Mary had begun labour while on the back of a donkey. Joseph followed beside her. Desperately keeping up, and comforting Mary all the way. And in actuality, was led to the manager when the donkey and they followed the star.
Three wise men, shepherds, knew a miracle was to happen. They had followed the star in the heavens, and stopped to rest. Simon was gazing up at the stars with such a feeling of peace, resting with the sheep for warmth. When all the stars in the heavenly skies started moving and flashing in exuberance acknowledging. “Our Saviour, Christ the King and Lord is Born. The skies, and the earth rejoiced. All the animals too felt this incredible wonder. This was way back when and still today, we remember the birth of Baby Jesus and the three wise men, bearing the gifts of frankincense and muir and a little lamb. Everything that was precious and meaningful to them. They gave.
Through the period of time, and all the many years this miraculous allegory or story that continues to be told–enduring through the test of time. Always relevant. Meant to be for all of us to live our best life. I loved the written words that are meant to inspire. Teaching us all lessons in life. Giving us guidance throughout our lives. For we continue to learn new things. But, let it always be for the good of all. This has not been the easiest year. When we all have been through so much. We want to be thankful, loving and happy. But, yet there is a certain feeling that holds us back. The kettle is brewing. The pot is hot. Time is slipping away, We want to know so we can prepare. And present what is lasting. United on purpose. United in love. Our gift of gratitude. I will close with my favorite adage…God gave us the gift of life.
What we do with that gift is our gift to God.
With lasting peace, joy and love this Christmas.
Patti Zona