When will we learn before it is too late? We have gone too far into the extreme without stopping for a minute to look back or around to find the cause and effect. And there is the middleman and another middleman for keeping their own personal checks and balances. Unfortunately, when removed for too long or the distance too far removed– the problems grow, the senses become faint, and the distractions too many for the problems grow into other areas of our and everyone’s lives. Meanwhile, while the problems are growing and continue to grow–so do the profits made from these problematic modus operandi become modulus for it sounds impressive. The profits keep coming, the ego keeps growing. It doesn’t matter the size. The frail ego, inflated ego to the deflated ego. Their teams are developed, “with like minds” think alike, talk alike and even look alike. Puppets in the making to do their bidding and those who become another extension added–modus vivendi or a modi vivendi needed to complete their mission or agenda. Even if temporary, they would have succeeded, even exceeded in their profit shares. Carte Blanche, for they have their designer rules to insure the successes without a thought or a care. Becoming careless and eventually reckless without a thought or care of consequences. For in their misguided minds–they have achieved, they have arrived and they feel they now have the right for no one has stopped the madness. We must all be mad or teetering in our understanding of the seriousness of these past horrific events. There is a thread of acceptance each time we don’t address it. Each time we allow a dishonored act or bill to be passed regardless of the inflicting carnage, destruction, and loss of innocent lives. Have you noticed before and after every degrading act–there leaves a trail. A cause and effect. The reason and purpose. How did we get here to this place? A place we don’t want to be part of any longer. Weren’t we supposed to learn from the past mistakes? Not only from our own follies, our own blunders, our own fault, faux pas, or just plain ignorance, neglect, or omissions too many. Makes us question ourselves and others. We should question those errors in judgments–before those errors or mistakes turn into disgrace or worse a way of life. Criminalized behavior through no fault of their own. For that is what was learned in their mind, now acceptable. Legalized for a price that is right at the time, even though it’s so wrong. Is it too late for us in this country? How does it look or feel to sacrifice for a price the best of oneself, the quality of life–even life itself. Is it acceptable? Why is it that we have more guns in this country, more prisons, and more stress? the violence that grows along with the anger and fear. Anger and fear grows and breeds violence. Something happened to us here in this country. Our country. When we stopped learning the importance of family and life. The respect for life, all life. If there was a problem, the solution was to pour more money to study the situation.
That is the beginning of profiting off of problems, instead of exposing the problem and addressing them immediately. Giving the perpetrators time to plan their excuses and escape their consequences. White-collar crime grows and becomes accepted and unrecognizable in these confusing times of designer laws and rules for a select few.
The money grows for those in the know. All the wealth empowered them through all the exemptions, entitlements and status accumulated in those golden years of privilege. Now secured for life. Then came the dark side of excesses and greed. To keep and maintain would need their team and followers. They don’t want their well kept secrets exposed for their timetable and agendas are not completed. There have been complications and distractions on the way. Along with a growing fear and uncertainty. The fear of exposure and not sure how to extricate themselves when in too deep. Too much money in the wrong hands is a dangerous thing, buying power and control. For now there is no conscience or heart. They never wanted to know–they were driven and no one would stop the madness even when obvious of the disastrous turn of events. Yet, we let them into their positions of power. We have had leaders without a conscience, daring and reckless but without a care. We have ordinary people granted their positions but without common sense or fortitude unwilling or unable to step up to the plate of responsibility in troubling and alarming times. That was allowed to grow and continue. When we should have been teaching higher standards, respect and regard for life, for all.
Unbelievable that we weren’t able to learn from the past. Did we not teach the importance and value of life? Through the last thirty years and more, crime and violence has steadily grown and no one can or won’t connect the dots to recognize the correlation of disconnect, the erosion of conscience, lack of equality and growing inequity. Or question the necessity of using the basic necessities in life to profit–education, medication, hospitalization, even groceries and homes– all the necessities. In time when the discrepancy of the disparity is so obviously blatant. Are those so removed that they can’t see there is something terribly wrong? Especially, when wanting to profit off of problems– instead of addressing and correcting in order to prevent. Those injustices kept growing. Along with a perverse mentality regarding the ownership of guns. Not just ordinary guns but all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. How cowardly, impossible to miss and not target practicing. Who would invent such a thing and who would market them? And, who would own one? There is a big problem here. No one should have a gun, especially in these times of sensory overload. Overworked and underpaid. Out of work and not a living wage to be found. Stress Laded and profiting from it all. Can’t find a house. Can’t buy a house for the sky rocketing prices soared above and beyond to test how far the greedy can go to reach their goal. Of too much. And, not deserving at all. But, in this country all for the love of money but without heart or a caring soul.
Just in these past few years–we had the Covid Pandemic, the horrific and televised death of George Floyd that is still too vivid and shocking in our memory. Then we had protests for days. And, if that wasn’t enough, January 6th. 2021 the white house was stormed with vigilantes to cause an insurrection through havoc and disrupt our democracy. They wanted to force their will. This was happening here in America, It was all so surreal–impossible to forget. Frightening. Shameful and disgusting. And were they ever held accountable? Following the trail of money. Rent started rising to fill the pockets of the shareholders in these times. Game playing with the housing market, price gouging, overrated and overpriced. No longer affordable. No longer hundreds of thousands but millions, billions and trillions of corporate gains or packages and even more. I can’t count that high. And neither can they. Again follow the money and go back to the 2008 Collapse of our Economy–bailout. The taxpayer carried that burden also. While the financial institutions were exempt and rewarded. Be thankful for the taxpayer, They deserve a break and appreciation. When there is no accountability–there is no depth of understanding the wrongs done. How can we make it right and understood? I need to add–why are the awards so great for those who take what isn’t theirs to have? That question needs to be answered by both parties to be understood. We are to never repeat the errors in these times.
We haven’t gotten or even come close to the root of the most devastating and heartbreaking problems Until then we will continue to repeat the same errors. These are not only emotional times, but stress laden with a huge disconnect and eschewed values. Problems abound everywhere we turn. And the worst offenders are not the weather or our weight, but man. Man-made Problems and women–we can do better than doing our nails. We don’t want to lose the best part of ourselves and that is our natural abilities–our depth of understanding with heartfelt meaning. We use most of our senses to nurture and be entuned with what is going on around us. We want to make things better. We want to do it right. We know when things are amiss, not quite right but we’ve given our abilities to corporate America for the love of money and guaranteed security. But, find out it’s not there. We all have to work together for the same reason and purpose. Now where are we? Are we aware of what is going on with our children, our family or our community? Do we have the physical energy anymore to do it all? For it seems as if that is expected and needed from us. Have we been inundated with too much stress coming from every direction? Our expectations are high. We expect better. Not just from or for ourselves, but also from those around us. We Know our children are our gift. Our reason and purpose. Our inspiration and delight, our joy and our challenge also. We are to be there, be aware to encourage and teach. We watch them grow–each stage is like a miracle, a wonder and amazement. We want the best for our children so they can grow and be the best of themselves. We become what we experience, what we teach and what we have been taught. Knowledge and enlightenment for the good of all. But, right now we are living in a difficult time. Fear and uncertainty permeates our surroundings, our thoughts, our life around us. We are living in precarious times when our leaders go wild or berserk at the mention of changing laws or rules they feel will affect themselves. They love their money. Their fear and need for control has grown out of control. Overriding their common sense–in fact all their senses. We have too much violence in this country, everywhere. The violence has become part of our existence. But, do we all have to play a part in what we accept or allow? The violence is shown over and over again. impossible to tune it out, leaving us in a state of shock, sorrow and anger too. How can we approach this subject that has become the elephant in the room. We’ve heard. We’ve seen. We’ve felt. Deeply. The unbearable sorrow and pain and heartache to heartbreak that leaves an unbearable and unreachable wound that is indescribable and undeniable that will be with us forever. We all are changed. We know what needs to be done. And we all have to work together on this. We need to change our focus to inspire for the good, without fear of reprisal or retaliation. Communication is the key to understanding both sides to be heard with respect. Clear headed. There cannot be any drugs, alcohol, stimulants or depressants. This is universal truths and reasoning for a higher good and calling. A higher reason and purpose that unites instead of divides. It’s no longer about ourselves but our future and our children’s future. We have to remove all guns and dismantle them. They are no longer needed when taught the value of life. Our real reason and purpose. We can no longer accept or go through another shooting such as the Sandy Hook shooting, the shooting in Buffalo New York or the senseless shooting in Tops Grocery Store, shortly after a lone shooter with an automatic took the innocent lives of small children and two teachers who tried to save them. Emotionally scarred for life. Never again can this happen. Even after this happened, there would be shootings here and there. Just random. Not knowing when or where. We can and must do better. And, if you can’t question yourself why you are deserving. Because everyone can do better than this.
I believe there is more good in this world.
We just have to show it,
live it teach and learn
be the inspiration.