This is the most difficult topic to write about, because it is too important to get it right and understood for all. Both sides, Getting to the root of the problem, the protests that are justified and the agendas that are waiting to pounce and make its presence known. Why didn’t this horrific news surprise me? It was just a matter of time and to have the perfect time to unleash the wrath on the innocent and unsuspecting. Everyone, everywhere had experienced the devastating effects of the pandemic that spread insidiously throughout the world. Combined with the protests of equality and injustices for too long–never addressed. And when there is a beginning of understanding with hope and promise of a new and better way. A temporary reprieve– we still had a long way to go to right our own wrongs. Now would be interrupted for no other reason than to gain control and have it all without merit, but only in his own mind’s justification. Now, the inflated ego has gone beyond human decency or comprehension of the carnage that will erupt and spill out. As only his brokenness will allow, No one has stopped him–yet. What was going on with Russia was deep seated. The issues were never addressed. And their people would pay the price of a leader whose sole purpose was to control, use and abuse his own people into submission, his demands and his wishes. What happened to him? I wonder. As a child, as a young man? Could this mentality “could have been prevented instead of rewarded or ignored?”
They were proud, and gifted but private people, dependent on their leader. Whom they trusted to lead and rebuild their country into a greater nation. But went over the edge instead. He was a leader who wanted complete control. And his wealth helped him get there. Surrounded by his followers. His puppets. His pawns. Became overwhelming to all involved. So, just accept a delusional leader. As the world watches and wonders. What next can we expect? As the people are fleeing their homes with their babies in their arms. The parents hurrying leave carrying precious parcels with their children in tow running to keep up. Not understanding just the fear felt around engulfs them as the bombs and rockets explode around them. Flames erupting in the background. No safe place. The menacing explosions signaling alarm and more fear. Doesn’t stop. Doesn’t end. Trying to reach their safe place. Protect their children. My God, who ever thought of warfare? It’s never a solution. When will we learn? We’ve done enough harm. We have enough already. Take care of our children, society deserves a future. Not to be destroyed but to be enjoyed in its bounty to be shared.
I want to write about the courage and heart of the Ukrainian people And the importance of knowing, seeing and understanding our reason and purpose in this life. That comes through knowledge of our history. The good, the bad and the ugly. What we keep and what we don’t want to repeat–ever. Love our neighbor as ourselves. Do no harm to our sisters and brothers here and there and near and far. We have been given our gifts in life to be used for the good of all. For we alone cannot achieve and accomplish without our sisters and brothers, our families and friends for we are all in this world together. And we care. And, we take care of those going through the unexpected trials in this life. Remember. when we stay united in purpose for the good of all. We will thrive and survive. We wish each of us well when united in purpose and spirit. Then we are never alone.
I was somewhat encouraged when I heard–“with the help of social media and the internet’s exposure, more people are aware than ever before of the atrocities occurring now in Ukraine–offering a world-wide outcry and offering support in any way they possibly can.” In this time and age, A war should not be happening. It makes me wonder even more, “why haven’t we learned?” Why do we allow and use big money to dictate the outcome of elections, and positions of leadership or authority–when they have a questionable past or background. At the first sign of a serious problem–that problem should be known and addressed. When there is a blatant history, or sign of deterioration of erratic or questionable behavior–remove from office to be psychoanalyzed and treated. If untreatable–then quarantined as if a horrible virus, If that doesn’t work send him to lock up or detention, where he needs to be humbled into submission and have to pay restitution until he realizes the gravity of his crimes.
There are no excuses when we are informed, we now know what happens when the misuse of power through apathy and too much money in the wrong hands. It takes too long to address. Is it from fear of exposure, going too far and now over the edge. Wanting to hide but deep down wanting to cry, especially not wanting to admit the flaws in their judgement, For his pride and ego and something darker that lurks behind his facade prevents his humaneness to come forth. He doesn’t want to see. He doesn’t want to know. He puts up these barriers now to protect himself. He has become unapproachable. That’s the way he wants it. His followers are too fearful or too entrenched themselves to approach him. Yet, they are more aware, but don’t know how now–to show him and the world that they do care. To do something to prevent the madness. The insanity. How could a madman grow to have this much power? Only to use it to weaken his own country and destroy the neighboring countries, so callously. Calculating, but someone else must have known. But, they kept their silence and feelings to themselves. How could this monstrosity grow to the unthinkable and out of control. In that regard we have to question ourselves. What we allow. Or, who we let have such control that even from a distance we need to look at ourselves. Getting to the beginning or the root of the problem for understanding– why we need to learn and must learn from the mistakes of the past. We ourselves are being tested in what we accept. The part we play in this time of life. We make it for the good of all. Our children’s future and all over the world to know we care. That is our reason and purpose.
Thoughts of the people in Ukraine don’t leave my head–always in my mind. I want to hear there is a change of heart, an awakening to a revelation so astounding the truths of horrific actions so stubbornly rooted finally breaks free to expose the tangible truths he can no longer bear. How can he ever repair the damages done? How did he get to this disputable place of shame that he now lives in constant denial? His shame is unbearable to himself but his pride stands guard. He wants to be in control–all the way. He cannot stop now. He’s gone too far. Too entrenched. Does he ever have a moment of peace or regret? For, no one has stopped him yet. How could that be? That thought occasionally does creep into his broken mind. But not long enough to make a difference in his hardened demeanor. For now, just a man with a cold heart who lost his soul and his mind. He can no longer feel or discern his actions. Yet, he was allowed to have this power to destroy whatever, whoever, and all the best around him. When will we learn to prevent and stop the madness? I can’t believe that I feel the need to write about this or him. For…
I wanted to write about the young girl that works here. I learned she was from Ukraine. That explained the sorrow in her eyes that could not be always hidden at the moment. Yet, also she held a quiet strength, determination, and gratitude for the simplest of life. When she told me she was from Ukraine, I felt a deep sense of sorrow but also a slight stab in my heart. Yet, I have so much to do myself. That is why I write, for understanding. I guess for the nature of man or human nature. What drives us and what divides us. I know we all have a reason and purpose that comes through in those times that we have a greater understanding of others and life. That is why I will always say to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. We don’t want to numb ourselves with excess where we become unreachable, unteachable, or no longer care. Small acts of kindness can brighten the moment or the day. So today, when I went out to do a few errands, I stopped at this little shop, to look at the pretty flowers with thoughts of spring in the air. It seemed people were a little more thoughtful, even lighthearted.
I looked at the whimsical catuse in cute little terracotta bunny containers. There was one that stood out, not just because the container was a bright shiny red, for it didn’t look real. But, it was a cactus. A few years ago, I had discovered this little catuse at Sunnyside Gardens and was intrigued. And still am. A heart-shaped cactus still touches my heart… My thoughts went back to the young woman who worked at the counter of reservations, checking in and checking out–polite, courteous, and grateful in these times. As we talked, I was struck by the similarity in our interests and understanding. For weeks now, I had been feeling the effects of being uprooted once more and in this tumultuous time. I felt a kindred spirit. Yet, how could I compare my experience to Mara’s, her family, and the people in Ukraine–impossible. Anytime, anyone lives under oppression, suppression or a state of uncertainty and fear is too incomprehensible. No one has that right to take over and destroy the lives, land, and communities for their own power and glory. For them, the sacrifices will never be enough. The need for more will never be enough until there is nothing left but an empty shell of a man bent on destruction to prove his worth. Wouldn’t you think even a good leader would want to build instead of destroy? A great leader wants to lead his country united in purpose not divided, struggling, and suffering. We all deserve to be allowed to be at our best. To do what comes naturally and with heart. Not to be brainwashed into something else or metamorphosed into someone who no longer is capable or able to feel or understand actions that have gone too far and to no return. No human being has that right. When we see, know, and feel but do nothing. We have to look at ourselves. What we accept and what part we play in this life. To destroy is wrong. To take what is not ours is wrong. To profit off of others’ misfortune is wrong. We are to teach not to take and use and discard casually and recklessly. Simple as that. Yet, we watch in horror and look away in shame when we could have offered better than this. We do not need more.
When I gave my small gift to Mara, “To see her smile. She touches her heart, I love it. This makes me smile, she tells me.” Seeing and knowing this simple gift gave even a moment of happiness was just the beginning of happiness that will always heal. We all can do that. Be part of the healing of the heart. My prayers are with the people in Ukraine. And as this young girl tells me, “for all who have been oppressed in their own country, end the suffering and turmoil to find and have a place of peace, comfort and shared purpose and healthy life to do and be the best of themselves for all. We are not an animal or a puppet. We do have choices. Let’s make those choices for the good of all.