Unethical Business Practices breeds Corporate Greed

It seems we just can’t get it right. We are so determined to do it our way regardless of the complications and confusion that is erupting around us. We skirt around the issues or problems hoping for miracles, where none can be found. Repeating the same pattern as before, disregarding the devastating and costly aftermath– not to be mentioned. Don’t want to talk about it or be reminded. There is an investment here. And, until the goal of profit is reached, this mission or supposed endeavor will continue on course no matter the cost or the loss. Corporations have their designer laws, rules made– that make them exempt from whatever mistakes, errors or wrongs resulted or will be in the near or distant future. There is no responsibility here or accountability for their entitlements earned. In their mind, they can afford to be daring, a bit reckless too, leading to carelessness for whatever they do? Big money or greed makes it so. Yet we too. When we casually give our own power away by accepting and not checking the facts and figures and what brought us here to this place of uncertainty. I said it before and will say it again, there is a cause and effect that needs to be checked when we praise and reward before all the entitlement rolls in. Are they deserving? Time will tell. And we can’t turn back the clock. There are some things in life that affect us profoundly, deeply that never leave us. Unforgettable, unrelenting and doesn’t go away. When similar problems keep turning up, when we think that we would have learned to speak up. Instead the injustices grow. Those who have profited will continue to get away–unscathed and wealthier than ever. Those who were victimized by their brother–for their trust was misplaced–will step back. Re-evaluate and eventually recover. Until–the next time. There is a problem though, in the cycle of life. When insidious actions continue to grow deliberately concealed for the lack of care or concern will be exposed for all it’s worth. A time of reckoning is on display for the world only to know and see. What will our legacy be that we leave behind for thee, the world and all humankind.

You know, we are all continually learning, experiencing and changing through it all. Our knowledge, skills or expertise is not to be kept as a guarded secret or for only a select few–for to know is to grow in understanding and wisdom. Bringing all together. United on purpose. Appreciate all aspects of life. Don’t use and abuse. Don’t take and neglect, but take precious care of God’s gifts to us.

We don’t learn through fear and intimidation. If we do, our world is a skewed with problems and struggles to be understood and conquered.  But many times and too many times that is how we are taught. The fear of failure, disappointment or shame of imperfection, mistakes, errors even misjudgments now exposed to the world. Yet. That can be okay. For it is only when we acknowledge our mistakes and the mistakes of others finally brought to light that we make our greatest strides in transformation for better and valuable changes. When problems become  greater and more lasting than the progress made and there is no one willing to intervene or question–I remember when experiencing a sudden change that surprised me. Not what I ever would have expected for genuinely nice people–doing their job. When I questioned, I was told their hands were tied. I couldn’t understand or see that. What do you mean?  We are just the middleman–we don’t make the rules. My head was reeling trying to comprehend the problem. I questioned further for this was a surprising amount of money without any explanation or notice. “Well, what is all that money going toward and where? I needed to know if this was really needed or deserving. Everyone had already been through so much. I felt it was like adding insult to injury or another assault. The panel around me looked at each other. I had done my homework. I had lived and experienced enough to dare to question. I wanted answers that I could find acceptable and worth such a high increase. I could see they were struggling to find the right words or wording for their explanation. They had their staff or team for support to back them. But for some reason, that only reassured me of my own convictions. As they were telling me of unforeseen expenses, salaries etc. I tell them, “Yes, but we all have had unexpected financial issues, but we got through it. We cut back. We coped. This is a lot of expenses, especially in these times. There are too many discrepancies and miscalculations here.” I had brought copies of my books. My books were  my reinforcement.

In my mind– something still didn’t add up and this was the time for answers. There was some murmuring amongst this small group assembled. Gathering composure, pulling in wits and acumen together, trying to combine some sensibility to this whole structure–to save face for themselves and their companies’ supposed good standing.

Well, the investors and shareholders expect their share. They receive the largest portion. They are the owners of this building and dependent on their income from the increases. They are thinking this would impress. Instead, I was dismayed. I’m thinking. “So, this is how corporations work now. That is why there is a lack of transparency and entitlements everywhere you turn, inside and out. The large corporations get all the financial aid possible, while companies starting up now, will depend on the needs of the people. And they will pay out of desperation–even if it is more than they should or even can. The quality of life goes down, when we accept when not right. We all play a part. For me, it was about the principle. I wanted better for the people. I remembered when the big government made a new ruling to financially protect Financial Institution, banks and large corporations. The taxpayers once more would carry the burden. They would not know until entrenched, too weary–their faith and trust broken, Dependent on the crumbs of those whose sole interest was status and wealth to buy and keep their power. When the love of money or greed seeps in, insidiously controlling every aspect of life and livelihood, weakening our resolve or will and stifling the creativity and work ethics to accomplish their own dreams. Then we are all going backwards, when we can’t strive to be our best and grow as a nation–the ability to be and give our best.

I didn’t know. They didn’t understand. I expected more depth. They expected a paycheck and title and an occasional reward. I wanted them to learn, understand beyond the monetary. The price we pay and society pays, when for the wrong reason. In a time when we should have learned. There will be no growth in a weakened state for we can’t afford to repeat those same mistakes. I didn’t want to end this meeting without their ” or even my own” understanding and knowing the concerns that lie ahead. I read an excerpt from one of my books. I told them there was a reason for the middleman. And, it was greater than they realized. It wasn’t just to be a yes man. “What I believed” when they were hired in their positions–was because they presented themselves well, smart and capable. But when they started the new position–their role took on other responsibilities that went beyond who hired them and why. Now, in this new environment– their role was not only their responsibilities and capabilities but did they care enough to detect and report to their boss the concerns–safety or health issues, what was happening within and around the perimeters of this building. Were these pay hikes premature, even excessive, especially at this time. We live in a time of disconnect. From a distance, another state, even another country. We are not always aware or have an understanding of what is happening around us. But, when absent or removed the disconnect is greater. That is when the middleman’s role changes or expands to something greater in importance. Important to report their concerns to avoid serious problems in the near and far future. That is imperative. Any good company would want to know the background and the realistic expectations. They want to be known as a progressive place to work, providing quality and stability in what they offer honorably. Knowing they can provide what is needed when working together–wanting the best outcome for all.   

This morning when I went to start  my day, I turned on the light  switch that opens the TV but not the light. I still find it fascinating and rather mysterious to me. The people on the tell were talking about Super Bowl Weekend. Through the years The Super Bowl has grown in interest. But, how could it not in these times. People need a break, an escape, a reason to be part of the scene. Everything is planned around Superbowl and afterwards life goes on and business resumes–kind of, in a daze or a haze. It was another busy day for me. My reason and purpose pulled me once more, taking care of business above and around, amidst myriad distractions. I walked from that room that would attract and distract. I wanted to focus.

I stopped in midair, and remembered a beautiful song we sang in my wonderful choir. I could hear the melody in my head, the words so beautifully and thoughtfully soothing the soul of me. Do you know or remember?

 “Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?

“Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save your sons and daughters?

“Did you know that your son would grow to be a young man…and all he has done and continues      

“came to save the world”

 “Oh, Mary did you know….”

 I loved this pulchritudinous,” which actually means beautiful” emotive, compelling, ethereally moving and so much more– there are not enough words to describe the sentiments and meaning that touched me so deeply. I don’t  ever want to forget. Yet, we are only human. 

Our experiences throughout our life will affect us, change us even if not wanted or aware. Sometimes presenting in the guise of perfection, a paradise awaiting after all the deals have been sealed and profits made now deserving rewards, all the accolades, praises and encouragements. We soak it all in.  Our real reason and purpose set aside, sometimes for too long–forgotten. even going over the edge to no return. It all seems pretty harmless at the time. We are deserving of the time spent. So– we want to believe, especially when so immersed we have little or no time or thought–except the main goal of attaining more–will validate and become more powerful too. Then the excess begins, to remove or improve “we think” our ability to shine, be in the spotlight or isolate ourselves or surround ourselves with the new and improved. We think alike. Talk alike and walk alike. One dimensional One goal. To attain and gain control. We know how to make money. But can we share or teach and reach others–learn skills and real knowledge to provide life lessons? We feel we are deserving and we can have it all. We become blinded by greed and numb from excess. We can’t see the havoc or disorder left behind because we have our well protected walls. Far enough away in our own gated communities– removed from the carnage. So we want to believe. But there are those moments when a sliver of conscience moves in. We have our doubts, but do we want to think about it or think that hard for too long. Where are our comrades to stand by our side in approval and encouragement. Have they weakened their resolve no longer wanting fame or glory for the price is too high. What happened to us and around us that we can no longer ignore. We are to take care of the gifts we have been given. We are to restore what has been neglected and broken. We are to share when there is a need, for too many have not enough or too little. Then give a helping hand, show them the way that inspires and awakens their own  talents and abilities. It takes a reason and purpose fulfilled. Then we learn from each other when we give or teach the importance in life. We also have to be careful what we let into our life.

Always want God’s Presence and His Guidance. All we need to ask for His guidance and Our Higher Power will lead the way.  Life is so much better that way.

I remember years ago when I heard about capitalism, democracy, socialism and more. My way of thinking and perceiving or understanding the differences did make sense to me for we are all different, coming from different backgrounds and experiences. Yet, our needs were  innate for quality of life. We blend our gifts and talents to teach and instruct for the good of all. But then along the way of life–seeing, observing, listening and learning. sometimes taking notes. What was happening around me wasn’t coming together or united on purpose, instead creating a division, a distance, a separate-ness, eventually a resentment that we did quite understand, but surely someone would intervene and stop the folly or foolishness before too late.

We need our connections to know and grow. Yet our despair fueled a need for control and power. Should we focus on muscle power, Intellectual acumen, charisma and flattery?  What about finances? That always impresses and is useful too. First, we can barter our way in and out of tight places. Then we can control or regulate prices on our own terms–for we have the expertise and respect in high places. We have all the acumen prowess and audacity to impress the masses. That mentality grew. The numbers grew too. So much, so fast and reckless, careless too without a whole lot of thought of the repercussions that lie ahead. With all the money we can control the wealth of everyone. We can control what is taught in the schools, universities, the schools of knowledge we can omit, and erase the past and focus purely on our glory. I want to stop the madness. Wake up before it’s too late. Get off that road to nowhere that offers only mayhem and destruction to oblivion. No man has that right to misuse their gifts to destroy the best of oneself and others through their misuse of funds and reckless power.

When that sweet song came into my thoughts as if a prayer of appreciation, understanding and a connection that will always be our strength and protector. Even when life is filled to the brim and overflowing with excessiveness that becomes our responsibility to sort out what is needed and what is not. At that time or moment we need our Higher Power, Our Savior for He is our spiritual strength and provider. God has given us all gifts to use wisely not just for our own self, but for others to understand. With those gifts we are to share, teach the skills we have learned. Including the lessons we have been taught through our experiences. They are priceless without measure, valuable beyond means. Appreciated throughout time. Be sure to take a moment throughout your day for thanks with thoughtful gratitude and guidance to lead the way. That really makes a difference in how we live our life. Take time to restore the peace and beauty. Throughout  life and within. We can begin