As a mercenary’s love of money to acquire using his favored tool or means to gain total power and control over everything and everyone, everywhere. For some they already have too much and some who want more– more than necessary as a disorder for too long never addressed–becoming an addiction out of control. Join the club. This didn’t happen overnight. There would be others around to witness the transformation into a metamorphosis in disbelief, maybe curiosity, in awe turning to fear including fear for themselves. There are choices we make–to address and correct or join the pact–as they tremble in fear and intoxicated in their excitement of all they can render in their obedience. For once indoctrinated, they can’t turn back and there is no escape. They are enticed, brainwashed, coerced and groomed to fit the mold and surpass the tests. They are ready and willing. Regardless the cost or sacrifices. They want it all. For all the acquisitions acquired instilled this right in their broken mind. Where was, or is the turning point when we need to stop and ask the questions? Morally and ethically. The consequences and ramifications.
Why are we taught the love of money, but not about the responsibility that comes with? Why are they rewarded when misusing funds to hurt and destroy what is honorable and good, uniting instead of dividing and acquiring until so big it smothers the life or the will–no longer recognizable. What have we done, what part do we play when we never address the wrongs of the world or even around us? We are a witness ourselves every time we see, read or hear of the horrific carnage in Ukraine. Even in our own country, we cringe upon hearing another shooting. Yet nothing is done, for the NRA has so much money to protect whom? Their status and wealth. Is it for their selves? Yet, there are no rules and regulations or reminders of the responsibilities and safety of society. Their main concern is the profit they will make by profiting off of problems in a fear-based society. When ignored or never addressed, problems continue to grow into the future. That should be a wake-up call to all of us.
In today’s world, money does talk. For some, money is prized more than life itself. For too many it doesn’t matter the cost or the loss. The sacrifices made in its place–to be unspoken and forgotten. We are numb from excess and our struggles are endless which leave us vulnerable from those who reap the benefits of the designer rules made profitable. There should be a cap of the amount of money supposedly earned and restitution for those who were victimized by their wealthy brother.
What’s it all about? When we should be paying attention– listening, seeing and learning from past mistakes. Yet, we skirt over it, especially the pertinent part or passage, not wanting to get too involved or lose our focus. Set it aside for when the time is suitable, maybe a little calmer, get a better and clearer picture. The facts need to be evident. Is it or is it not justified? Oh, there will be meetings. and discussions. All the acceptable protocols are put in place. It’s how things are done. But what does it matter when we all are somewhat scattered. No one will notice until it is aired, out there for the world to see. And judge for themselves.
Everytime we see the unbelievable destruction, the bodies strewn on the streets and passageways trying to find an escape, praying for a safe place, where none can be found. Once vibrant cities, gracious towns and scenic inviting villages– now, no more, but broken and shattered. The plumes of smoke and dust rise from the broken streets. The silence is deafening in the wake of this tragic scene. Interrupted by explosive sounds in the distance– alerting- it’s not over yet. Still coming. The fear is chilling and heartbreaking as the heavy artillery moves closer to its mark. Paralyzing fear sets in. The feeling of despair is agonizing and unforgettable.
Why do we allow these atrocities to happen? Is it for a reason never disclosed but for a darker plan or agenda set in motion. We also can’t help but question, how we allow any leader become an instrument of torture of the mind and body. What brought him to this place of inflicting suffering and cruelty to become undeniable evil. All these years meetings in the boardroom meant to impress the International Round Table to ensure unity and the quality of life for all. When money talks in todays’ world, it’s about empowerment, control, using money as a means to get in or be bailed out. When money doesn’t talk, is when it is to be used for the good of all. The ego is put aside to find a way, working together. We use all of our senses, knowledge, insight and sensibilities. All our senses are heightened aware knowing the importance of not being careless or reckless. But it is when we were never taught or forgot the consequences of aberrant behavior and actions. For we didn’t dare question at the time. We never wanted to see the big picture or the results. Were the numbers so great we were more impressed than wanting to correct or check, or speak up? Did you know or was it known how all those millions, billions and trillions and more were achieved, acquired or amassed? Was it honourable or do we not want to speak about it. For it was just temporary. Just a test you know, that got a little carried away. Sorry–a little out of control. Give us some time. We’ll have someone pick up the pieces after we get our tax write off. It starts small or seemingly insignificant until one too many times. And the slight becomes magnified but fortunately with all the funds accumulated in that time. We will be fine. We have our willing peers watching our backs. Oh, oh what about our tracks? There is always a trail left behind.
When we recognize each other’s strength and their frailties we have a better understanding of what is proper and what is problematic or will be. If there is a problem, it needs to be addressed immediately. We want to encourage the best outcome to determine the path to follow. It’s not always about the money. It’s not about self, but working together, united in purpose. Money speaks to those who love money, more than anything or anyone. That is a big red flag and a detriment to society, any company or country. There needs to be accountability and necessary restitution and education to understand the importance in knowing the role we play in this life.
Sure having money is a huge advantage, Especially if you are ruthless and if it’s used for destruction of life or eroding the quality of life or creating a war to make more. There is a responsibility that goes with what we have and what we do. And, what we allow through our silence.
There is a better way, a more humane way to build instead of belittling, talking down or putting down. When people use money constantly as a tool or a means to their advantage it builds anger and resentment. When resources and the necessities in life are eventually affected, insidious eroding the quality of life, deprivation sets in. Those that have the means–they see and know what is happening and for sure they don’t want to go there or be there and definitely not experience or feel the loss of their quality of life that has become so bleak for those unfortunate in their path. Losing a quality life, or dreams shattered and impossible to return or not being able to return is demoralizing. Their will and purpose are affected along with their dignity. Is almost impossible to be restored. Those who have benefited from amassing huge sums of money during this siege have learned nothing except acquiring more to their advantage, seemingly. Materially and financially, they have it all. The world sees a flawed character of a man, heartless and unapproachable. Yet, all the successes and victories are meaningless when brought by actions of such cruelty, carnage and destruction that is felt and seen throughout the world in these times. Without a heart, His soul is lost. His mind is broken. Yet, no one had stopped the madness. What are they waiting for? A virus spreads and we do everything to prevent other outbreaks. When a powerful but broken man lashes out in his quest for more of everything–we do nothing but talk, the drama of it all. For us, it’s from a distance. We are not going through it or experiencing or living it. A virus spreads. Addictive and abhorrent behavior will continue as a game of chess. A battle of the wills. Until becoming too destructive affecting innocent and precious lives–all because we have allowed. Money does talk in both ways. We can help perpetuate the wars and destruction–acquiring and taking what isn’t theirs. We can use money to withhold until we control. For, we have forgotten our original reason and purpose in the process. We have a gift of life to be used for the good of all. Not to oppress or suppress, but to unite in our strengths and empowered by our will for the good of all.
Right now, here in our own country we are struggling to figure it all out. The evidence and solutions are there, no over here–looking at us, mockingly, quizzically. Bewildered. Yet, the silence is deafening here also. Can’t we see? Can’t we feel? Don’t we understand. What is the problem? Or, is it the hidden agenda again? Only for a select few. The ones who caused it all. Standing sheepishly, silently. Their heads hung low, wanting to disappear, Erase it all. Start anew. Is that possible? Maybe. Possibly. Only, If we learn from our mistakes. Break the cycle of abuse and misuse. Strive for a better way. Free from pain and suffering. Equitable and equal too. Stop the destruction, Love thy neighbor as yourself and yours. Teach and take loving care of your children as well as those who need shelter, food, clothing, a safe place. Make it happen, make it be for the good of all. Be inspired and inspiring. Speak up when you have something to say that is loving and forgiving, accepting our differences, for we learn from each other. My favorite quote, again. And, still is…
“God gave us the gift of life.
What we do with our gift
Is our gift to God.”
Our Heavenly Father, Our Higher Power, Our Savior. Prince of Peace and so much more. We were given the gift of life. We are to take care, teach, and nurture our children. And, those in need. We take care, and give thanks and gratitude for the gift of life, the world we live in. The earth in all its bounty. The wonders of the universe, the skies, the celestial we are so thankful that we continue to take care. The air we breathe helps make it pure. The plants and trees, the birds and the bees. The beautiful gardens, the magnificent rocks and stones and the boulders too. All serve a purpose. All the stories that they hold are meant for you. Just hold in your hands, feel and know the history. All God’s creatures great and small For the gift of music that heals our soul, leads us to dance like a child again. Joyfully and gracefully. We feel the music. And we are thankful for our minds, that we continue to learn and grow in mind, body and spirit. May we open our hearts in love to all . Knowing the gifts we are to give are a treasure from Our Heavenly Father to be shared. To take precious care in this life. To be an instrument of peace, beauty and love. May the leaders of this world be united in peace and purpose. Through healing of the heart and mindfulness of the soul “God gave us the gift of life.”. Let’s Give God our best in gratitude.